Saturday, October 29, 2011

International Segment: Recommends Humsafar! Episode # 6 update

“She is actually quite different” ~ Ashar to his mother about Khirad

Discovering the person you have wed, your ‘humsafar’, can be the most exciting journey of your married life. Ashar sets out on this journey with patience, understanding, and hope prompted by overhearing her confession that her self-respect and pride are deeply hurt due to being forced on him. As Ashar starts spending quality time with his mysterious wife, Khirad unwittingly reveals different layers to her personality.

Ashar is pleasantly surprised and even thrilled about the fact that his earlier assumption about Khirad is turning to be far from the truth. He now finds her stunning, simple-minded, honest, and innocent with a mind of her own. To his utter disbelief and wonderment, she is also a graduate majoring in Mathematics wanting to continue her academic pursuits.

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!”

Beware of the woman who does not get her man. And to lose him to another woman who she believes to be below her standards and unworthy of him, is an insult a woman can hardly bear. As Sara sees the changes in ‘her’ Ashar, and realizes, as only a smart, blindly in love woman can, that Khirad has begun to forge a foray into his heart, she begins to scheme to remain the most important person in Ashar’s life.

“Keep your friends close, enemies closer!”

Terrified of losing Ashar to the undeserving Khirad, Sara uses the age-old technique of befriending her ‘enemy’ to manipulate the situation and the equation between Ashar and Khirad.

Every time Sara hints at something more than meets the eye between her and Ashar, Khirad subtly steers the conversation away or plainly ignores her.

Will Sara succeed in using her ‘pretend’ closeness to Khirad in creating a wedge between Ashar and Khirad will be interesting to watch in the upcoming episodes.

Rangmunch Moment of the episode: Chess Scene

A scene that touches your heart, makes you smile, and compels you to rewatch it a million times gets to be the Rangmunch moment. Chess scene of this episode wins hands down.

During the chess match between Ashar and his father Baseerat, with Khirad and Ashar’s mother as spectators, Baseerat boasts of defeating his son without the slightest hitch. While making his move on the chessboard, Ashar steals a glance at his wife, and to his surprise, Khirad shakes her head to say that his move is not the right one. He quietly withdraws and looks to Khirad before making his move. She once again, with just a couple of subtle nods of her head, points him to the right move, which turns out to be the winning one.

The entire scene is well-crafted to peal away one more layer of Khirad and reveal her in a new light. The wordless interplay between the couple is delightfully intimate and leaves us wanting for more.

Rangmunch Performance of the episode: Naveen Waqar (Sara)

While Ashar (Fawad) and Khirad (Mahira) are busy getting to know each other and make our hearts aflutter, Sara (Naveen) walks away with the Rangmunch Performance of the episode.

Naveen Waqar excels in the scene where she calls up Khirad to subtly inform her that it is on Sara’s insistence that Ashar spends time with Khirad. Her expressions during the conversation are in direct contrast with the words she utters to Khirad on the phone. She has balanced the tone of her voice to reveal her feeling of superiority over Khirad, her immense belief that Khirad is an easy target for manipulation, and her confidence that she can win this game effortlessly comes out loud and clear to the audience while keeping Khirad in the dark about her true intentions.

Precap for episode 7:

I have no words to describe the precap. My heart starts beating faster and frankly, it would be unjust to capture the feeling in mere words.

All I have to say is ‘Watch out for Love’ and leave you with this video.

You can find the links for this episode @

What according to you are the highlights of this wonderful episode of Humsafar? Do you think Naveen Waqar aka Sara deserves to be the Rangmunch performer of the episode? If not, who else and why? And most importantly, what do you think of the precap?

More on Humsafar @

Neeraja Unni


  1. Thanx Rangmunch..... i realy enjoyed ur blog(Humsafar)... & u know after watching humsafar i impatiently waiting to see ur blog.... its realy intresting.......
    about Precap.......ahhhh i simply have no words to explain the hype to watch next episode..... gr8 Drama........ and Asher.....wht could i say except that he is outstanding.....:))))))

  2. I think Kirad has been played very well...very subtle, delicate yet strong...the actor has managed to do this without appearing wooden. I also like the male lead. He has a beautiful pair of eyes...very expressive...
    Kudos to the director too for the way s/he displayed the growing closeness. Am so tired of the eyelocks...background music and rose petals on Indian TV...the scenes here are way more refreshing and real. Great job!

  3. i just loved episode ws mindblowing..ur review s too good..waiting fr episode 7

  4. Im loving each n every moment between ashar n khirad! awesome review, and i would agree, navin is the performer of this episode!

  5. I think naveen did a fab job
    The preview is obviously amazing and a must see episode 7 awaits us
    The part in which Asher comes back from the office and Sarah suddenly calls is great as well chess scene was a cute one as well....

  6. i think this episode could have been a lot better. frankly, there was less ashar and khirad and more sarah sarah sarah!!! (even though i think she is a perfect character) i wish they would show a lot more interaction between khirad and ashar.

    i was looking at facebook pages and so many thousands of fans of this drama and i realized that this story has been told soo many times before, why are people going soo crazy about it? i think it has more to do with the characters not being simply pure black and white. i think every character is portrayed to have their shortcomings and also their justified reason to do what they are doing (thorough beautifully executed dialogues and acting) , not because simply they are born evil and are vain, bent on destroying someone else life. A lot of people are disliking the character of sarah. i think i feel more sympathy for sara then ashar or khirad. How hard it must be to watch the person you love, love someone else? its like someone stole from you and you simply cant move on. As sara puts it, her feelings are not like cloths that can be changed and thrown away. she needs time to move on.

  7. Prasu, Sonia, and others thank you so much for liking the review and taking time out to comment.

    Dear Anonymous you are bang on about why people are going crazy about this show. Sara is pivotal for this story to move forward and the reasoning for her behaviour is something we can relate to making this entire drama realistic.

    ~ Neeraja
