Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When Marriage becomes your full time ambition: Dia aur Baati Hum

A cruel twist of fate, snatched her parents away from Sandhya and to make matters worse, her brother got her married off to Suraj who is not educated in Dia aur Baati Hum on StarPlus. Sandhya finds herself in a household where everything is not only new  and different, but totally unlike what she had expected. Fortunately for her, the feelers we get from this story, show signs of Suraj perhaps understanding what she wants to do with her life. Sandhya wants to be an IPS(Indian Police Service) officer and her dreams have now been cut short.

She has now landed herself in a scenario where she is at the mercy of a man, and his family that would not allow her to follow her dreams. Sandhya is perhaps lucky that Suraj has only shown signs of understanding and cooperation so far. But is this going to continue forever? Would Suraj who has always dreamt of having a simple sweet married life, be able to accommodate Sandhya's ambitions or even understand them? We know how close Suraj is to his mother who means the world to him. Will she take a decision in Sandhya's favor? From whatever we have already seen, we know she Bhabo, doesnt expect the daughter-in-law of the household to step out of their home. 

Will Sandhya's dream be cut short? Is this the story of many women today, who want to do something with their life, but fail to due to the various odds around them? Told through the POV of a rural set, with a strong message as the backbone, don't women in the city today relate to Sandhya? 

Rangmunch.TV would like to know. Do share your views on the same. We all know Sandhya should tell her husband what she feels, but what is that way, that would keep all parties involved happy.

Niharika Vidya Sagar

I, Me, Myself! - Harshad Chopra

We are back again this week, with our I, Me, Myself! A segment where your favourite actors look into their psyche and answer some questions that they haven't perhaps asked themselves as well in a while !!! The star we have picked this time is Harshad Chopra, your Mohan Gala from Dharampatni on Imagine TV, who answered the questions spontaneously as he felt that's when he gives in his best ! Over to Harshad... 

  1. Rangmunch.TV: What is that you need to change about yourself?

    Harshad: I think I am very hard on myself. I follow a very strict discipline 
    when it comes to me and myself. May be if there is one thing that I need to 
    change it could be that.

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you crib and complain?

    Harshad: No, I don’t complain much.

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you take risks?

    Harshad: What seems like a risk to others has fortunately not been a risk in
    my case. Risks have always worked in my favour. So I don’t know, if it 
    counts as taking risks since, when you want to do something badly following 
    the path you want and doing it becomes easier.

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you thank people enough?

    Harshad: Yes, I do.

    Rangmunch.TV: What is the craziest thing you want to do?

    Harshad: I can’t tell you what is the craziest thing I want to do, but I can 
    tell you what's the craziest thing I have done so far, (continues after a 
    slight pause and says) I stole something and the person is still unaware.

    Rangmunch.TV: Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

    Harshad: Somewhere at the back of my mind I always knew I wanted to 
    be an actor. And a lot of people have impacted me, but if I can think of one 
    name it would be Salman Khan. I look upto him as my Mentor.

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you procrastinate (postpone things for the future)?

    Harshad: Well more than often (laughs). Infact there was a time when due 
    to the work timings, my bill payments use to keep getting delayed, be it my 
    mobile bill, the internet bill but thanks to technology and online bill 
    payments which has made life so much more simpler and easy for people 
    like us. 

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you let other people’s negativity effect you?

    Harshad: No, instead I have heard most people say, that I end up lifting 
    their moods up and turning them into positive souls (laughs).

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you smile more than you frown?

    Harshad: Well as you can see for yourself, I do smile more than I frown.
    (smiles wide)

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you take time out for yourself?

    Harshad: To be honest I am a workaholic and when I am not shooting I like 
    to stay home. I am not a party animal and hence you will not see me 
    attending too many parties. After my pack up, I go back home and spend the 
    remaining hours with myself. I love working out and I owe that time to 

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you forgive yourself easily?

    Harshad: No, I am very hard on myself and self-discipline is most important 
    to me.

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you listen to your heart?

    Harshad: Since more than often I am unable to know the difference between 
    what my heart says and what my head does, I don’t know how to answer 
    this question best.

    Rangmunch.TV: Do you read enough?

    Harshad: (laughs and says) I only read my scripts.

    Rangmunch.TV: One thing you are grateful for in life.

    Harshad: Everything!! I am grateful for everything that life has bestowed 
    upon me.

    Do you feel you know Harshad better after this read ? Do let us know what 
    you thought about this particular interview!

    Interviewed and Edited by,

    Niharika Vidya Sagar &
    Swati Ghosh

Its Kabaddi Kabaddi time on D3

Channel V's Dil Dosti Dance is a show about dancers , but it tells the story of people from different walks of life studying under one roof. In the latest track, the students of St.Louis college have been challenged by their new mentor Karan Mallik (Karan Singh Grover), to a kabaddi match. He has split the teams into two, much to their dislike with pairings that have not been well accepted. While it would be interesting to see the teams plan out their strategy and try to out do one another, it would be interesting to see how this match changes things for the students.

As we already know, Karan has stepped into the college to mend the ways of the students and has realized there is loads of hidden unrest and hostility between the members. Karan was even seen giving the boys tips to win over the girls and get close to them in the process. On the other hand, Sharon refuses to accept Bharat as a  part of their team stating he is low class and a mechanic.

It is pretty evident why Karan, has picked a game like Kabaddi. He feels this game would help everyone come close and work as a team and perhaps work towards a common goal of winning the match. With loads of thrill, romance and anticipation in store, this match is certainly one to look forward to. 

Will Kria and Rey come closer during the match? Will Sharon be able to accept Bharat in the same team and become a little more understanding towards him? Will Karan sir, succeed in achieving what he plans to to? The man will decide answer many such questions! Like they say, may the best man win !

Niharika Vidya Sagar