Monday, August 1, 2011

Sasural Simar Ka : Messing with Destiny

Well the show now should be called " Sasural Roli Ka "... What a shocker the precap is ? No words can describe the way  the story has moved forward. One would think that Simar would come in time and save the day and all would be hunky-dory. But all hell breaks loose  as we see Prem actually filling a school girl's maang with sindoor.Will this be another of Roli's nightmare or will she , a teenager get married to her jija...
The promos have started to air with Prem getting married to Roli as Simar and her bhuaji looks on as Simar's life is coming to a grinding halt.The track has completely shocked the viewers and have certainly put all of us on a edge. So we now  just have 24 hours to know what is Simar's destiny.....

Navyanka Varma

Maryada Lekin Kab Tak : Letting Go..

So finally Brahmanand  is getting what he always longed for ...." Uttara " his saali.. The show is on  major high point where Brahma is turning the tables to get Uttara mind boggled.Brahma has been playing mind games with Uttara and silently seducing her with words , subtle innuendoes and light hearted banter.Uttara took all this in a stride as a " jija-saali mazaak "... but now things seems a lilttle different.Brahma knows  very well how his presence is affecting  Uttara and with his wife Devyani gone , the cat is on  the prowl.Uttara too has started to feel something happening as Brahma is constantly hovering around her.Her feelings are now slightly going out of hand as she is now trapped in Brahma's thoughts.
What happens when a situation like Brahma and Uttara come in front of you.? Do you think Uttara is to blame as she has started to respond to her feelings regarding her "jija"...Brahma obviously is playing just to get a challenge fulfilled...Will Devyani or Priya come to Uttara's rescue and snap her out of this trance ?Lets  wait and watch the exciting coming week on " Maryada: lekin kab tak"

Navyanka Varma 

Jane's Corner: Poem

Maan Singh Khuarana is being Lord and Master
But little does he know Geet for him spells Disaster ;))

With nose stuck up in the Air
Not one hair out of place, it would Dare

He strides on to our screens like a Dream
Making Us FB Girls all Scream :))

Thud Thud they faint in his Wake
All over the world there are reports of a Quake ;))

But our Shernie is not Going to take any Crap
She has got the measure of him, a full size Map :))

Barryji ne lekhi maazedar Fight
To our total Delight

Their eyes Clashed
Fingers Bashed

Nose to Nose
For us A SuperMahi Dose ;))

At Mahi Mahi moments we drool
Team Geet, barryji you are Super Kwool ;))

Looks like Devil might be being Blackmailed
Naintara has him totally Nailed ;))

Cant wait to see my Queen so Evil ;))
Finally we may see a comeuppance for the DEVIL!! ;)))))


Gulaal:Risen from the grave!!!

The truth about Vasant’s death that had got buried along with him is now finally out in the open. Kesar’s revelation about Dushyant having murdered Vasant, shattered every one in the family. This was the moment that Gulaal had dreaded & hence she had decided to hide this truth away from her family. She had promised Vasant that she would always keep his family together & therefore even after knowing the truth about Dushyant, she chose to keep quite. For ten years Gulaal lived with Dushyant under one roof with this bitter truth buried in her heart.

On the other hand Dushyant could never win over Gulaal’s heart even after Vasant’s death & neither did his conscience let him live in peace. He has been repenting for his sins for last ten years but today his efforts went in vain as he saw every member of the family look at him suspiciously. Every pair of eyes that looked at him had only one question in them…did he really kill Vasant? If yes then why?

However the question that now arises is whether Motabha & Paanbha ever forgive Gulaal for hiding the truth about Vasant’s murder for ten long years? Will they understand Gulaal’s reasoning for doing so & realize the pain that she has been through in the last ten years seeing her husband’s murderer moving scott free before her eyes? 

To know the consequences of Kesar’s revelation keep watching Gulaal on Star plus, Monday to Friday at 9pm.

Swati Ghosh