Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Up Close & Personal With The Director of “ Bade Acche Lagte Hai”: Sangieta

Rangmunch.TV brings  to you a lovely  and a warm chat with Sangeita , the Director of Bade Acche Lagte Hai”.Sangieta  who has given us hit like Shagun,Kussum,Kasauti Zindagii Kii,Karam Apna Apna, and off late Kitni Mohabbat Hai Season 1 and 2 on Imagine TV,is now on her  latest directorial show” Bade Acche Lagte Hai “ BALH is on a all time high  and has caught on with all  the age groups.  Currently we are witnessing  a large scale marriage preparations on the show.Sangieta  has not only pulled it off smoothly but is still carrying on the  excellent  work. Being a women director is not easy especially when you are solely handling the show, but she has marvelled it.
The show is getting amazing reviews  and has placed  itself on the top 10 shows of the week.Here is  what Sangieta had to say when we spoke to her on her  much talked about show….

In this day and age, when TV shows are getting bolder in depicting extra-marital relationships, what made you agree to such a story, which depicts the traditional Indian ideal of love after marriage?
There are always two schools of thought  to this,Arrange marriages  and Love marriages…No doubt love marriages are more happeneing but there are still couples who actually enjoy the experience of falling in love after getting married.So in todays  time  where love happens easily, the concept of being in love after marriage intrigued me.
In this fast changing world do you think that the youth of today still relate to the concept of arranged marriages or are now much more likely to insist on a love marriage? 
Well , the youth definitely favours  love marriages  more but , there are  still a  section of people who cherish the thought of arrange marriages. So its actually on ones perception,on how they take it.Personally I feel  commitment  is the only thing that counts,be it whether  love marriage or arrange.

What makes Ram Kapoor & Sakshi Tanwar fit the roles of Ram and Priya perfectly? 
They are great actors to begin with and are brilliant on  screen.No one could have suited the role better.Both Ram and Saakshi  are the right choice for playing out Ram and Priya.
There is constant criticism of how most shows start with a fresh and innovative story concept but eventually turn into Saas-Bahu sagas. What do you think is the reason behind it?
Well when the story kicks off, there is usually a lot to tell between the lead pair.But as soon as the leads are  married , the story comes to a halt and  nothing is left to explore further .  We directors  get very little scope and turn the wheels towards the saas-bahu drama.Hopefully you would not  get to see that on this show.
In 21st Century, when women are more career oriented & families are equally supportive towards their daughters, do you think that the obsession that the character of Shipra had with her unmarried daughter is realistic? 
Not really…There are mothers who are very much still concerned on  seeing their grown up daughters getting married and settling down ,especially if they have crossed the marriageable age.Every mother wants the best for her child.Only balance has to be maintained.I too have a hectic work life and  am married, so I too have to strike a balance.Hence  I would say its not unrealistic as 35% of mothers will  be mothers who desires  to see their daughters  settled ...(smiles)
What about your show do you think has gripped viewer’s attention considering it has been loved and well received right from day one?
Hmm….I would say the uniqueness lies in how Ram and Saakshi  have potrayed  the characters and now are living it beautifully,also that no one  on the show is really outright negative but have  shades of grey .We have tried to incorporate a  fun element  from time to time which brings in light moments with subtle humour.This show is very relatable as every house does have a Ram, a Priya or even Ayesha.

Marriages are a huge deal on Television shows with no compromise on all the pomp, splendour and glamour. With the current track focusing on the upcoming shaadi's of both Ram and his sister Natasha, as a Director what is the mental preparation that you had to do to make it look different? Does being a woman help at times like this to add a little more sensitivity to the execution?? 
Oh it’s a lot of hard work as the marriage sequence  has to look real with all the nitty-gritties.Mentally one has to be charged up as lot of energy is spent  on a track like this.But being a women definitely helps when  relating to a scene .For instance explaining a bidai scene,if  coming from a woman  becomes  more relatable. I do improvise on it and give my personal insights  since I too have gone through it ,hence execution becomes easier.   
Recently there was an article which said that on viewers demand the channel & PH has asked Ram Kapoor to reduce his weight. Is this why the idea of diet & the doctor advising weight loss program for Ram Kapoor has been seen in the story or was it always a part of the story?
We just  added  that  bit for light humour.Ram is very supportive  and comfortable when it comes to his weight .He rathers cracks jokes on it..( laughs)
Seeing the unconventional way the story has moulded, do you believe in destiny? 
Oh definitely..Destiny does have a role to play in everyones  life.You can  do all the work you want , but if fate is not with you then  the journey becomes  tougher.
What kind of equation do you share with Ram and Saakshi?
I share a wonderful  bond with both Ram and Saakshi.They both make it very comfortable for me to do my work.Ram is fun so he relieves the stress   level and Saakshi is  a warm loving person and we do share  our girl moments..( smiles). I am enjoying every bit of my work.Though it does  drive me crazy but is fun when you have such amazing and talented actors to work with. 
Since you have a Co-Director also on the show, how do you deal with each other's views & thought processes.
Well  its only me directing it  now.Earlier there was another Director working with me and we worked as a team but he is now  involved in another show so its only me calling the shots..
One favorite scene of yours so far which you have loved directing?
I’l  give you two scenes.They are my personal favorite.One is the scene where Priya and her father are in his room and he shows her a bag of all the little things he has collected over the years and the memories attached to it.The emotions between  a  father and daughter were beautifully  captured where words were not needed…The second scene was shot last Thursday where Priya’s bidai is happeneing  from her house. She goes silently through all the rooms and touches  all the things which define her.The  sadness, the tears and finally the breakdown was  exceptionally done.Saakshi brought  life to that shot .She made it  believable and real.

What message would you like to give your fans?
I would like to thank all our viewers for  such an amazing response and the love showered on  us.We promise to keep bringing in good stuff and entertaining  you with our best possible work.Take care and keep watching !!

I had a great time doing the interview , hope you  had a wonderful  time  reading it.Rangmunch sincerely thanks Sangieta for her valuable time .

Fanspeak: Why mothers dont want a son in law like Arnav

 Rangmunch.TV introduces a section this week called Fanspeak, where we bring to you all those articles written by fans themselves, about their favorite shows, and their takes on various issues related to it. It can be on a serious issue, comic one or just a review! You write we print for you!! Right here on Rangmunch.TV-it is only here that you will find Entertainment @Unplugged.
Why should my daughter be Dismissive; Of a Man like Arnav - a Mother's Missive!

What mother does not want her daughter to find herself a man who is successful, suave and good looking. Always impeccably dressed, purposeful stride, determined look and no-nonsense demeanor would be qualities that a mother would look for her future son in law.

Arnav, a character I saw recently on Star Plus in a serial called Iss Pyar ko Kya Naam Doon at 8pm while surfing through channels, held me glued for his authoritative ways of dealing with a situation.

His definitive ideas about life seemed even a little drastic but I was ready to cut some slack as he seemed to have gone through a lot in his life. His love for his sister Anjali, respect he gives grudgingly to his Naani was admirable. It seemed that he does have a heart after all.

What else could it be for he did catch a girl falling in his arms, even if he promptly put her aside. So may be he did not feel good about women and hell! he seemed to have an axe to grind against women, for he manhandled her but wait! did he just let her get away when she reasoned with him?

He did not seem bad just badmouthed. Am i defending him? No, No! just stating the fact. I saw it when his instinct was to save her from falling from his office window but her words stung him enough to let her go. Hang on! the cheeky man knew there were boxes down there, didn't he? I had laughed, the man showed he was insensitive but he seemed to have some conscience. Kameena!

But of late, there has been some chemical lochaa; he seems to have melted towards Khushi. But pigheaded that he is he does not even admit it to himself. 

He is also stubborn and foolhardy, he has now gone and gotten himself a goat… uh! i mean a girl who proclaims her love for him but does not make any effort to win hearts of his family.

Bhalaa aisi larki kise pasand aayegi?

But i digress. Daughter dearest, you be careful, you don't want a guy who is stubborn blind and thinks he is in control when all i see is a train ready to derail.

What will I do should you fall in love with an uncouth guy like him? A guy who is always around to save you but he cannot save himself from falling?

What am I going to do if my son in law knows what is best for him, know ki aage keechad had par kadam aise bhadhaye jaa raha hai ki manzil wahi ho?

Par kya karoon Arnav mein phir kuch baat dikhti hai jo sirf dekh kar andekha karne ka mann karta hai.

Is there more to him than what meets the eye? Am I too quick to write him off as a potential son in law material to my daughter?

Agar aise larke se meri beti ko pyar jo jaaye toh 

Uss Pyar ko Mein kya naam doon?
Written by:
Vrushali Tripathi

Must Watch .. Maryada :Lekin Kab Tak

After an EXPLOSIVE  episode of Maryada , where  Devyani  finally tells Brahma that she is not naive or ignorant to know whats happeneing behind her back ,watch Brahma do the most humiliating and   insensitive thing ever.He gives the upcoming party responsibility to Uttara, hurting Devyani in the process.One would think after what all happened , Brahma would  mend his ways a little ....but no, he still feels there is nothing wrong in what he's doing.So keep watching Maryada : Lekin Kab Tak to know how Devyani will tackle the situation and Brahma.

Rangmunch Tv

Fida's Corner : His wife, Mrs. Khurana !!! (Chapters 9 & 10)


It was as if the knowledge of the background to their marriage released him from his guilt and worry.  Now that he knew she didn’t actually love him, he allowed himself to contemplate what it would be like to have her as his wife.  Over the next week, he found excuses to be near her, listen to her, watch her, all without making her aware that she was suddenly subject to his scrutiny.  He told himself that he was just information-gathering, but he didn’t let himself think about why he found his gaze lingering on the curve of her cheek or noting the way she fiddled with her dupatta when she was thinking nor why he took the time to catalogue the different ways she smiled at different people.  He wouldn’t even admit to himself that he wondered what kind of smile she might someday give him.

As he lay awake in the middle of the night at the end of the week, unwillingly aware of the woman clinging to the other side of the bed, he thought about what she might want. The week had passed in status quo; they continued to live in a state of limbo.  Perhaps she was waiting for some signal from him, some reassurance that he was going to let her have what she wanted.  Well, if that was what he needed to give her, then from tomorrow he’d make it clear that they needed to move on, make a start on whatever their life together was going to be.

He woke the next morning and left her lying there as he went to the gym for his morning workout.  They’d fallen into an uneasy routine; he woke and went to the gym leaving her to bathe, dress and make her way downstairs whilst he was gone; it was only at the breakfast table that they actually came face  to face.  This morning, he cut short his workout, making his way back to the bedroom much earlier than he normally did to talk to his wife.

Walking in, he saw Geet sitting at the dressing table, her hands reaching behind her neck to tie her doris.  Driven by a sudden urge to learn how soft her skin was, he moved towards her and took the ends of the doris in his hands.  She sat perfectly still as he tied the knot, and her clear discomfort broke through the wave of desire that suddenly rolled through him.  Reminding himself that she probably needed further reassurance about her continuing presence in his life before she was willing to let him touch her again, he moved away from her.  Her dupatta was lying on the bed; he picked it up and handed it to her then watched as she draped it to cover as much of herself as possible.

Stepping forward, he looked at her in the mirror; as their eyes met,  he rapidly rethought his plan of talking to her.

“Geet, I think we need to talk.  Shaam ko mere saath dinner pe chalengi?  Hum kahin aur baith ke baat karenge to koi interruptions nahin honge”

She held his gaze, then nodded slowly.  Unaccountably relieved, he said “Theek hai, main reservations karwata hoon.  Will you be ready at eight?”

As she nodded again he said “Theek hai.  Chaliye, main nahaaloon”.  Taking some clothes, he walked into the bathroom; as he closed the door he looked back and saw her filling her maang with sindoor.  The sight triggered an odd sensation deep inside him, like a memory trying to escape, but he shook it off as he prepared for the day.

The day passed as the previous Saturdays had; she stayed busy entertaining the guests who inevitably dropped in whilst he spent most of time in his office, going over all the details he needed to remember.  Lunch was a quiet affair, dominated by Dadi talking about the fact that Dev needed to remarry whilst determinedly ignoring the extreme discomfort of prospective groom.  By the time evening came, he was more than ready to spend time with his wife.  He laughed inwardly; from being completely opposed to the idea of having a wife, he had become remarkably eager to reap the benefits (as long as it was on his terms).  He supposed it was only reasonable; if he had a wife, there seemed to be no reason why he should continue living like a bachelor.

He dressed early and sat in his office till eight o’clock, then made his way to the bedroom.  When he entered, he found his wife standing at the dressing table spraying a little perfume on her wrists.  She was wearing a saree with an almost backless blouse, her hair flowing loose over one shoulder, her only adornment heavy kundan earrings.

She looked unbelievable; no one who saw her in this avatar would believe that she was a small-town girl who had only recently entered high society life.  If he had been uncomfortably aware of her beauty when he saw her dressed in her everyday clothes, her effect on him was now similar to being punched in the gut.  Realising that he was staring at her like a fool, he stepped further into the room.  She finally saw him standing there and turned saying “Main tayyar hoon.  Hum chalein” 

As they walked out of the room together, he had to remind himself what his agenda for the evening was.  Letting himself be blinded by her beauty was not the basis for a mutually-beneficial convenient marriage. (And if part of him couldn’t help but think he much preferred the simply dressed Geet he saw every day, he ignored it for being foolish).

The evening passed quickly if quietly; his attempts at making conversation were met with uncomfortable silences.  It wasn’t until the waiter brought over their coffees that he decided that it was time to come to the point.


He stopped, suddenly hesitant (which was not a feeling he was used to).

Before he could say anything else, she spoke “Main jaanti hoon aap kya kehna chahte hain.  Aap sochrahe honge ke main aap ke sabr ka faida uttha rahi hoon, magar aisi baat nahin hai.  Main shayad iss jhooti ummeed mein ji rahi thi ki aap ko sab yaad aajayega, aap ko hamare beech ki sab baatein yaad aajayengi.”

Looking up, she met his eyes, and then said “Magar aaj yeh ummeed poori tarha se toot gayi hai.  Aaj ke baad, main aisi hi patni bann jaoongi jaisi aap chahte hain”

Before she could say anything else, he decided it was time to let her know that he knew all about their history.

“Geet, mujhe sab pata hai”

She looked at him, hope blazing in her eyes for a moment before he continued “Main jaanta hoon Dev ne aapke saath kya kiya, main jaanta hoon hum ne shaadi kyun ki, main jaanta hoon aapka baccha............” He stopped, not wanting to distress her deliberately, almost missing her whispered “Hamara”.

He didn’t understand what she meant by “hamara” but decided to ignore it, not wanting to get side-tracked.

“Dekhiye, main samajh sakta hoon aap ne mujhse shaadi kyun ki, aap Dev ko kyun bardaasht karti hain.  If I was in your place, I would also feel that the Khurana family owed me something.  But I think we need to be clear.”

She looked at him, giving no hint of her reaction, and then lowered her eyes whilst he spoke.

“I don’t need you to pretend to be in love with me; you don’t need to convince me that I’m the love of your life.  You’re my wife, we’ve agreed to stay together.  You’ll always be entitled to everything that comes with the title of Mrs Khurana.”

He paused, battling a sinking feeling that he was committing one of the biggest mistakes of his life, and then forged ahead.

“Shall we not just have honesty between us? You don’t have to keep up this facade of grieving, or of hoping I get my memory back.  I’ll be honest, it won’t gain you anything further.”

Finally she spoke, her voice as cold as the Arctic. “Aapko inn sab baaton ke baare mein kahan se pata chala?”

“I asked the company’s private investigators to look into the matter for me”

She made a small sound, one that could have been called a laugh if it hadn’t been filled with rage.  “To aap ne yeh sochliya ke ek Private investigator ki report se aap ko hum donon ke beech ki har baat samajh mein aagayi, aapko laga ke aap mujhe samajh gaye hain.  Aap ko apne investigator pe bahut bharosa hoga.  Ek baat bataiyye, aap ko lagta hai usse hamare beech ki har baat pata chal gayi hogi?”

She finally looked up at him, her eyes blazing with anger, but before he could answer her, before he could ask her what she meant, she shielded her gaze and took a breath.  Every trace of emotion vanished from her voice as she spoke again.

“Accha hai ke aap ne mujhe bata diya.  Aaj ke baad main aise hi bann ke rahoongi jaise aap ne mujhe socha hai.”

She smiled, finally answering his unacknowledged wondering about the type of smile she would give him.   It was not quite the smile he had hoped for - bitter and full of anger- then it too vanished as she replaced it with a bland social smile.

“Magar ek baat to zaroor hai; agar main aap ki jagah hoti, to ek Private investigator ki report ke saath saath main apni ardhangini se bhi poochleta ke sach kya hai.  Issliye nahin ke woh report ghalat hogi, magar issliye ke har baat jaisi dikhti hai, waisi hoti nahin hai”

Pushing her chair back, she stood before he had a chance to react, to ask her what she meant, leaving him with no option but to acquiesce to her suggestion when she said “Ghar chalein?”

The drive home was silent; when they arrived home, he stopped to check his emails before making his way to their room.  He entered quietly, then stopped to watch as she removed her earrings.  Her movements were jerky and abrupt, as if she wanted nothing more than to strip off every reminder of their conversation.

She put her hands behind her to untie her doris, but the knots were too tangled and she struggled in frustration.  Finally giving in to his urge to help her, he stepped forward and moved her hands out of the way.

She stilled as she felt his touch, then as the doris fell open she whirled in his arms and kissed him.  It was a kiss filled with desperation, hunger, regret and anger; so many questions asked by that kiss that he reeled under the impact.

The feel of her lips on his was like fire in his blood; he had never felt such a rage of passion as he felt at that moment.  Her hands came up to caress his face, touching him as if to ask whether he remembered, whether he recognised, whether he knew.  As his arms came up around her, a jolt of electricity ran up his arms from the place where his fingers touched the bare skin of her back.

Moulding herself closer to him, she kissed him again, holding him as close as she could.  He was almost lost in passion, on the verge of lifting her into his arms and taking her to the bed when he felt her tears on his lips.  He pulled back, bringing his hands to her face, feeling the tears pouring from her eyes and was shocked.

He had never intended for her to feel as if she owed him her body, even he wasn’t as hardened as that.  Angered that she was making him feel like a monster, he drew back to tell her that she didn’t need to prostitute herself, that he didn’t need a sacrifice to appease him; at that moment, he was struck by the sight of her face.

A memory hit, of a night when he had wiped her tears before.  He struggled to hold on to that memory, to remember that moment from his past, but the harder he tried, the more the memory eluded him.   A moment later, he clasped his head as a headache pounded at his skull; his last waking memory was of her cool hands soothing his forehead.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to be continued ------- 

Piya Bawri makes you want to fall in love...

Piya Bawri .. Ho ... Piya Bawri .. go the lyrics of the tune, and with just two little words you know what this little girl called Kastur is all about. The first episode of the show opens with Kastur looking for the love of her life at a temple symbolising her love for Mohan another name for Lord Krishna pure and divine.
The music score by Raju Singh who has delivered various hit and popular tunes on Television only makes you yearn for more. You wait for the time when Kastur would meet her lover Mohan and her love for this man who is away is heart-warming.
If you havent had a chance to hear this little piece, make sure you do it now since the tune, the effect and the song actually make you want to fall in love.
Rangmunch.TV recommends the music to all you TV lovers!

Niharika Vidya Sagar

Fanspeak with Rangmunch:Bring out the writer in you.

Is there a TV show that's influenced your life so much, that you have wanted to write, write and write more to ease yourself off?

Has a scene on any show in recent times reminded you of something that exactly happened with you?

Has a real problem found a solution after a visual story was conveyed to you?

Tell us about that one character or show that has made a difference in your life. We will post and publish it for you in our Fans-Speak section !!!

Bring out that hidden writer, poet, author in you, and we at Rangmunch. TV, promise to embrace and showcase it in the best possible way. Writing is the best form of expression, so don't stop yourself if the inner Ghalib pushes you to do so!!!

The promise has been to connect the makers with the viewers!! So write on... You never know who is reading ....

Niharika Vidya Sagar