Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Piya Bawri makes you want to fall in love...

Piya Bawri .. Ho ... Piya Bawri .. go the lyrics of the tune, and with just two little words you know what this little girl called Kastur is all about. The first episode of the show opens with Kastur looking for the love of her life at a temple symbolising her love for Mohan another name for Lord Krishna pure and divine.
The music score by Raju Singh who has delivered various hit and popular tunes on Television only makes you yearn for more. You wait for the time when Kastur would meet her lover Mohan and her love for this man who is away is heart-warming.
If you havent had a chance to hear this little piece, make sure you do it now since the tune, the effect and the song actually make you want to fall in love.
Rangmunch.TV recommends the music to all you TV lovers!

Niharika Vidya Sagar

1 comment:

  1. So Soulful! Divotion in love is always surreal!

    Wonderful Post!

