Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fanspeak with Rangmunch:Bring out the writer in you.

Is there a TV show that's influenced your life so much, that you have wanted to write, write and write more to ease yourself off?

Has a scene on any show in recent times reminded you of something that exactly happened with you?

Has a real problem found a solution after a visual story was conveyed to you?

Tell us about that one character or show that has made a difference in your life. We will post and publish it for you in our Fans-Speak section !!!

Bring out that hidden writer, poet, author in you, and we at Rangmunch. TV, promise to embrace and showcase it in the best possible way. Writing is the best form of expression, so don't stop yourself if the inner Ghalib pushes you to do so!!!

The promise has been to connect the makers with the viewers!! So write on... You never know who is reading ....

Niharika Vidya Sagar

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