Sunday, July 31, 2011

Does Alka's journey begin now?

As we saw the promo of Alka being taunted by everyone around her about how she needs to take life more seriously and about how she had it easy all the time, i wondered is the only measure to success calculated by the amount of hard ships you under go?

Alka has always been ever committed, clear-hearted, honest! Responsibility was forced to her, but she readily accepted it, and yes she is learning to cope and deal with it, what with such a huge personal life crisis hitting her at a time like this.

Chander's absence is a huge deal in her life.....

But i come back to the question.. Does one have to always go through all these hardships before becoming the person the world perceives you to be?

Are we not reinforcing stereotypes by doing so??

We at Rangmunch would like to know! Do share what you think.

Rangmunch Team

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