Rang Badalti Odhani may have gone off air recently, but our experience with Swapna ji the Director and Producer of the show has always been a warm one. That's the sole reason why, we thought, we would extend our Greetings to her, by doing a short round of questions with her on this special day made just for friends. Needless to say, the answers were..... Well, we wont say it... you go read it for yourself and tell us what you think.
1. A lot is said and written about friendships in the industry being opportunistic and driven by selfish motives? What do you have to say about that?
Then that is not friendship.. I have lovely friends in the industry and none of them are opportunistic or selfish.a biiiig hug to all of them on this day..
2. You are working, and you have a fixed life style, where obviously things get hectic, would you make an extra effort for your friends just because u dont get time otherwise?
We all make that extra effort to be in touch with each other.. And then our friendship lines are open 24/7 so we know we are never alone..There are times when one of us is too busy...but never too busy for a phone call or a quick giggling session or a quick howling session:-)
3. Friend you have had for the longest time.
Are never taken for granted..the bond has strengthened over a period of time.. Love u rupal and Janet... My oldest friends :-)))
4. A friend who cracks real bad jokes.
All of them have a weird sense of humour but prashant bhatt takes the cake
5. Your 3 Am friend
Bhairavi and Manish Raisinghani
6. A friend who is a confidante
Not giving his name.. U ll bribe him to get my secrets out... Hahahaha
7. A friend who loves gifting you stuff.
Everyone spoils me:-))))
8. A friend you hate to love.
None.. I love to love them all
9. One song that you would like to dedicate to your friends.
Would like to write one for them and dedicate it to them.. No ready made stuff for my friends..they are special
10. Last of all....on your journey with RBO....how would rate actors of your show on scale of
Karan 10
Yashasree 10
Manish 10
Rushad Rana 10
Manish 10
Rushad Rana 10
Khushboo. 10
Rucha Gujrati 10
Aliraza 10
Rushali 10
Rucha Gujrati 10
Aliraza 10
Rushali 10
Scripted & Compiled by:
Navyanka Varma
Niharika Vidya Sagar
Wow! She is a special woman. Its not until you delve into the lives of an individual that you realize how impactful they may be in real life too.