Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rangmunch Diaries: A week devoted to Set-hopping!

Starting today, we will be visiting the sets of different shows in an effort to bring the world of television a little bit closer to you. We are excited at the prospect of meeting eminent personalities who are responsible for our daily dose of entertainment.

We are eager to garner as much information as possible to keep you in the loop about the serial-world and let you in on what, why, and how it all happens behind the scenes. We have done it before – have stepped into sets but it doesn’t matter how many times we do it because every single time the flurry of activities on the sets does not stop to amaze us.

What you see on-screen is more than the sum of all these activities put together. We at Rangmunch will continue to strive to raise the curtain on these factors that ultimately emerge as the show that you watch everyday.

Watch this space for Daily updates on our set-hopping!

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