The show Beend Banonga Ghodi Chadunga is all set to heat up the chemistry between the most loved couple Jai and Sarika in a new twist. The show marks the entry of Naman Shaw as the new face of ‘Jai Poddar’. Naman would be seen on Imagine TV beginning November 2011.
Naman Shaw has earlier acted in ‘Rakt Sambandh’ on Imagine TV, where he portrayed the character of Niraaj.
Speaking about his entry Naman Shaw mentioned: “I am very happy and fortunate to get such a meaty role, I have followed the show for long and I am sure I will be able to justify the role of ‘Jai Poddar’ in my own unique way. I have been associated with Imagine TV earlier and know the working and expectations of the role. I hope the audiences love me as ‘Jai’ and support my character”
Beend Banonga Ghodi Chadunga is all set to enthrall its audiences with fresh chemistry between the lead pairs and their life ahead.
Watch Beend Banonga Ghodi Chadunga every Monday to Thursday 9.00 pm
Edited by:
Swati Ghosh
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