Sony Entertainment Television presents yet another scintillating series titiled ‘Prayaschit, Gunahon Ke Zakhm’. A unique show based on real life crime stories recreated and shown through the eyes of the criminal. Their stories of wrong doings, repentance and thereafter their quest for forgiveness and redemption.
Produced by SAREGAMA India Ltd, Prayaschit - Gunahon Ke Zakhm is one such show on the small screen that will give a glimpse into the lives of the criminals who are living with the burden of their guilt and seeking redemption. A different concept that tells us a story that would be engaging, at the same time deal with different socially relevant issues. The show would feature the real life criminals while the re-enactment would be with actors.
The show will be hosted by the multitalented Tisca Chopra, a presenter with the personality, depth, and maturity that is required for a subject of this nature. The show will feature the stories of characters such as Seema Parihar , the notorious bandit who killed seventy people and abducted over two hundred before surrendering to the police in Kanpur in 2003;Laxman Gole who was sucked in to the vortex of crime after he slashed his neighbor with a razor and went on to form one of the dreaded gangs of Kurla or Samunder Singh who was used by his friends to commit the heinous crime of stabbing a Christian Nun, working in their village for the betterment of the adivasis ;among host of others who will reveal their dark deeds repent for the same and ask for redemption.
Commenting on the launch of Prayaschit, Ms Sneha Rajani ,Senior EVP and Business Head ,Sony Entertainment Television said , “Prayschit is different from all the other shows, it has a unique and innovative concept, wherein we will get to see real stories of crime and criminals who have committed heinous acts and who are now seeking redemption. We have always strived to give our viewers engaging and differentiated viewing content and this is one more step in that direction.”
So get set for a unique experience as Sony Entertainment Television unveils the only show of its kind PRAYASCHIT – Gunahon Ke Zakhm, starting from 9th September, 2011, 9:00 pm onwards every Friday.
Edited by:
Swati Ghosh
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