Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rangmunch Promo: Know it All!!

There is always a curiosity to know what happens on the other side of the fence. The TV Land and its numerous shows have not only made actors popular, it has also given rise to fan forums that are extremely active, popular, & participative. Time & again they have brought in valuable feedback and suggestions and have raised few pertinent questions such as:

Why cannot a show with a low TRP continue inspite of having a large committed fan base?
What do you mean when you talk about a Channel and its reach?
What are the factors that determine the popularity of a show?

Rangmunch.TV brings you a know it all interview from an esteemed name in the television industry who wont let you down !! We have always believed in empowering our audience with the right kind of information as well as facts that would help you determine how things function the way they do in the TV land. Watch out for this space in the next couple of hours!!

Niharika Vidya Sagar

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